h - 1b申请白宫延长60天宽限期


来源: 布莱巴特| 2020年3月29日
原创新闻链接: http://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/03/29/indias-h-1b-workers-lobby-white-house-to-stay-in-u-s/


Federal rules require unemployed H-1B visa workers to leave the United States in 60 days after they lose their jobs. 在冠状病毒之前,这个60天的规定不是问题, 部分原因是被解雇的H-1B员工可以从印度经营的外包公司找到新的工作.


But the crash has caused so many job losses that many H-1B workers — most of whom are Indian — need more time to find jobs that will keep them in the United States. The job losses are also a crisis for many Indian-run contractors and 分包商 that take huge commissions from the H-1B contracts signed by Fortune 500 companies.


“We request the government to temporarily extend the 60-Day grace period to 180 days and protect the H1B workers under these difficult times. 谢谢你!!一份有近2万人签名的白宫请愿书说.  这份请愿书是由新泽西州的一位印度H-1B雇主创建的,请愿书中写道:



新型冠状病毒感染症(Covid-19病毒)的情况正在恶化,预计将出现大规模裁员. 经济状况可能会对H1B工人产生重大影响.

在规定, H1B workers have a 60-Day grace period of unemployment time during each authorized validity period to stay in the USA legally. They must find new work within 60 days; otherwise, they have to leave the country. 大多数H1B工人来自印度,他们不能带着美国国籍的孩子回家.包括印度在内的许多国家宣布禁止美国公民入境.

h - 1b工人迎合了整体经济,主要是支持I - 1b.税收贡献高的行业.


冠状病毒的崩溃正在导致美国的重大损失.S. 公司解雇了许多美国毕业生,也解雇了许多持H-1B签证的印度工人. 但你.S. 印度的人力资源公司也不希望他们的H-1B员工被遣返回国, 所以他们对H-1B签证的裁员保持沉默.

The 60-day deadline was created in January 2017 by the outgoing deputies for President Barack Obama. It was a quiet gift to the Indian-dominated outsourcing business because it replaced a rule which said H-1Bs had to go home immediately their job ended.

Obama’s rule validated the notion that H-1B workers had a right to find new jobs once their original jobs ended. 这一观点与H-1B项目最初的理由相矛盾, which was marketed as a way to import “high-skilled” foreign workers for temporary tasks until Americans could be trained.

到目前为止, 唐纳德·特朗普总统的国土安全部(DHS)没有撤销60天的规定.

如果国土安全部真的执行60天的规定,许多h - 1b签证持有者将不得不回国. 他们的离开将帮助美国毕业生在秋季经济复苏后找到工作.

一个为美国毕业生服务的游说团体说,国土安全部应该执行60天的宽限期.S. Technworkers:



The country is still headed towards a deep economic recession that is going to be far worse than 2008! h - 1b知道接下来会发生什么, 他们都知道自己很快就会失业, 如果他们还没有. They know how difficult it is going to be finding another job given the dismal economic times ahead …  H-1B visa workers are not needed at this time. So why should our government allow them to stay here for half a year trying to look for jobs when so many unemployed Americans are hurting and searching for jobs as well?



全国最多1个.500万外国白领合同工在美国工作. 人口中大约有100万印度人, 大约900人,000名H-1B签证工作者, 他们中的大多数人受雇于财富500强公司的承包商.

Breitbart News repeatedly asked DHS officials if they are planning to extend the 60-day grace period. 官员们没有说他们会拒绝扩建。


U.S. 美国公民及移民服务局(USCIS)将继续监测COVID-19的情况, and assess various options related to temporary worker programs in coordination with DHS as the situation evolves. 该机构将在USCIS网站上更新更多信息, 因此,请关注网站的所有新闻部分的相关公告.



现任国土安全部部长, 乍得狼, 曾担任NASSCOM外包行业的说客, 哪个国家进口了最多的H-1B临时工. 该组织由印度人和美国人组成.S. companies use the H-1B program to extract salaries and wealth from the American college graduate class, 他们在两国高管和投资者之间瓜分收益, 加上签证工作人员, 他们的经理, 和印度政府.

上周五,美国公民及移民服务局宣布,它接受了至少8.5万份H-1B员工的商业申请. 这些引进的毕业生将于10月1日开始工作, 不久之后,唐纳德·特朗普总统将在11月的大选中面对选民.

一般来说,许多美国人.S. 高管 prefer not to go to the trouble of interviewing, 招聘, and managing American graduates.

而不是, they outsource critical 招聘 decisions to the many Indian-run staffing companies who import Indian H-1Bs. The staffing companies range in size from tens of thousands of employees down to firms with just a few part-time employees.

这些公司, 被印度人称为“修车铺”的地方, 做招聘工作, 招聘, 并解雇一批H-1B员工, 他们每个人都是没有什么合法权利的零工.

This gig-worker outsourcing is approved by Wall Street stock-pickers who believe that a churning inflow of temporary H-1B workers is cheaper than a group of experienced American graduates.

This outsourcing process has created a fortune for Indian companies by allowing them to take large commissions from the imported Indian workers. 例如, 一名印度工人告诉布莱巴特,他的美国雇主支付了120美元,让他成为公司的员工. 但在多个印度承包商和管理人员抽成后,他每年只能拿到7.5万美元.

在冷漠的美国大学楼下几层.S. 高管, 不同的印度经理和工人也合作,以最大限度地提高他们的集体工资, 麦克说, 他是西雅图的一名美国毕业生,但拒绝接受采访. “There is a very strong tendency for ethnic networking … [and] it is very common for them to hire people who come from a particular city, 语言, 种族群体,不管他们的技能或工资如何, 他说, 添加:


I was working in one department with four individuals on one team … [and] the manager and all four people that he hired happened to be Sikhs. 这些人只占印度人口的1%.



The ethnic cooperation is greased by a jobs-for-cash trade with the H-1B workers who are imported by the Indian managers, 这位印度H-1B工作人员告诉布莱巴特新闻网.

这些修车厂的招聘经理决定哪些H-1B工人在外包合同中得到工作. 所以他们以5美元的价格出售这些工作,000 to $10,000, 并与其他经理组成的“黑手党”分享这笔钱, 他说. 

这些佣金, 销售工作, 以及对种族的忠诚促使印度经理将更多的h - 1b签证挤进美国公司的工资单, 以避免H-1B签证的裁员, 并阻止雇佣美国毕业生, 他说. 

与此形成鲜明对比的是, 很少有美国专业人士把工作卖给受青睐的求职者,或者试图窃取他们的工资, 他说.

Lucky and accomplished Indians can escape the body shop abuse by getting hired directly into elite U.S. 另一名印度H-1B签证持有者告诉布莱巴特新闻网. “我明白H-1B签证是一种滥用——但我没有参与其中,他说,国土安全部应该让被解雇的h - 1b签证持有者更容易找到新工作。 



I was the only one on H-1B in my department but I was let go …  [and] the chance of me getting a job in 60 days is almost impossible …  We are not saying we should get special consideration, 只是我们还需要一点时间. 现在要在60天内找到工作是不可能的.


他说,H-1B签证的腐败在汽车修理厂中很普遍. “我能做什么呢? 我无法提出反对意见.”

它就像一个完整的生态系统……它确实影响到像我这样的人,”他说. “如果欺诈和滥用行为减少,真正的候选人将获得更多的余地和考虑.”

印度媒体密切关注着印度工人的处境. 例如, the Times of India interviewed one visa worker who has lost his job and cannot get a new job in time to update his visa:



“我在一家公司工作了6年,今年2月丢了工作,阿杰伊说。, 他补充说,同一家公司还有数百人被解雇, 他不愿透露姓名的是哪一个. “即使招聘形势在两个月后有所改善, 到那时,我的签证就过期了,他说.

Ajay说,挑战在于如果他不能及时找到工作, 他和他妻子将不得不离开这个国家. “我的孩子是美国公民,我们必须把她带回来.”



在美国的一个印度人网站上强调了60天规定的重要性, 美国市场, 它在3月20日报道了白宫的请愿故事:



新泽西的Dan Nandan说, 谁经营Hire IT People Inc, started this petition as he felt that many on H-1B visas are facing extraordinary situations right now.

他说:“许多h1b签证持有者现在处境艰难,许多人面临裁员。. “我不确定他们是如何免于被解雇的,我想他们没有.”



南丹经营着Hire IT People,这是一家向其他公司出租H-1B签证的公司. His company also helps people create new staffing companies to put more Indian workers into the Indians’ lucrative ecosystem of contractors, 分包商, 和分包给下一级分包商.

但是有些U.S. 大学毕业生也在游说特朗普保留一些美国学生.S. 招聘美国人.

MoveOn的一份请愿书写道:“阻止H1B签证持有者接受美国的IT工作。.org. 请愿书说:



… there are many Computer Programmers and other IT professionals that are qualified and from America who are out of work. 在我们从其他国家引进这么多人之前,美国人应该得到这些工作. 在很多情况下,这与企业的贪婪有关. Companies will no longer spend a dime on new training for new technology for seasoned workers when somebody else can be brought in for a few dollars cheaper. 这样做是不合乎道德的. 这不是我们的父母、祖父母、儿女为之而战的目的. 辛勤工作的纳税公民应该有一些在当地工作的权利.



一群与共和党结盟的大学生要求特朗普确保美国的安全.S. 向美国政府提供就业机会.S. 毕业生:

美国专业人士通过几个团体组织起来反对H-1B项目, 包括美国工人联盟, U.S. 美国的技术工人、专业工人和白领工人.

新的TechsUnite.美国网站的创建是为了帮助美国.S. 毕业生匿名合作.

反过来, these groups are backed up by a few sites that track the scale and location of the outsourcing industry in each legislator’s district. 一位研究人员表示:“这件事的范围真的令人难以置信。.

Other sites document the conflicts created by diverse foreign business practices in the United States. 非政治性的MyVisaJobs.com site also provides much information about H-1B outsourcing and green card rewards in multiple industries.

美国人的游说取得了一些成功. 上周, 例如, several GOP Senators blocked a Democrat proposal in the coronavirus recovery bill to reissue all the work permits held by the visa workers in the United States. 这是一个巨大的胜利,因为民主党的法案是由美国政府推动的.S. 科技行业, 并得到了移民之声的支持, 一个声称代表印度签证工作人员的组织.


